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Montreal’s Cynthia Savard Saucier joins Sunday’s lineup

Talented Montrealer will make her debut at UXcamp 2013

Polite Design: Because Users are Human
Nov 10, 10:20am / 12 MINUTES

Session description will be added shortly.

Speaker Bio: Cynthia Savard Saucier

Passionate about human beings and their means of communication, Cynthia has always sought a deeper understanding of how people think, interact and connect.

Communication has thus been a key ingredient in her technological endeavours. A Université de Montréal graduate in industrial design, she was awarded the 2010 RAÉDIUM prize for Chouette!, a technological communication platform to strengthen inter-generational relations. Her slick solution allows preschool kids and seniors to share the same interface, using the poetry of light and play.

Since she joined TP1, a Montreal digital agency, she sprinkled her creativity in many important projects, notably working on web and mobile interfaces. Cynthia excels particularly in a field that is not always fully understood: she creates smart, emotional connections between companies and users. She works as project lead and user experience designer. She has a knack for strategic design, ergonomics and problem solving. Her wide range of experiences brought her broad recognition as a leading expert on multi-platform interface design.

Cynthia also mentors startups and is regularly invited to speak at events around the world, where her playful approach both startles and charms. In her conferences, she shares her passion and her point of view: user-centered design is a reality, not a utopian methodology.

You can follow Cynthia on Twitter @CynthiaSavard

*Image credit: CanUX & Elida Arrizza

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