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BBC’s Dan Ramsden will feature at CanUX in 2017

A world-class IA makes his debut at CanUX in 2017.

What’s the Point of IA?
} Nov 4, 2017   11:00am / 35 MINUTES

What’s the role of the IA in a world that’s seen Brexit, President Trump and an erosion of trust in facts and experts? IA has always been focused on ‘meaning’ as well as the arrangement of parts to build systems. And meaning has a point of view. When an IA makes a choice we shape the choices available to our audiences. From the “tags” in our controlled vocabulary to the shape of our information architecture, we often decide what’s significant. We can control the visibility of concepts. We can write things in and out of existence. Whether our users are human or digital, we wield power and influence.

That sounds pretty heavy. Dan will lighten things up and make them more memorable with four jokes and a magical experiment. He’ll also share a practical framework for understanding where and how IAs can have an impact. And he will talk about where and how human curation and information seeking fit in an organisation known worldwide for our impartiality and editorial quality. I’ll talk about the power of language to shape reality.

IA is an expression of values and a coercive activity – we create worlds and force users to adopt certain perspectives. We can empower users or nudge them to adopt new ways of seeing the world. But only if we’re effective. Dan will share how he has been trying to make sure that information architects are useful. And how do you move IA out of theory or concepts into having the necessary and practical impact on the rest of the user experience it should? How do you design and build information architecture in a world of MVPs and larger, complex interconnected systems? What’s the point of information architecture?

This engaging and thought-provoking talk presents a practical model for evaluating ‘what’s most important’ for the IA, and looks at the power we have and the responsibility we inherit because of it.

Speaker Bio: Dan Ramsden

As Creative Director for UX architecture (UXA) at the BBC, Dan leads a team of IA specialists. He’s responsible for defining the professional practice of UXA at the BBC and ensuring that the company is creating information architecture that delivers the best possible experiences to its audiences.

Previously, Dan worked at The Workshop where he specialised in information architecture as well as imagining, writing and creating content for communication and learning. Before joining The Workshop he ran Dead Earnest Theatre. Dead Earnest uses live performance techniques for teaching, training and behavioural change. Dan carried out research into non-linear narratives and how stories can be used to change the way we think, feel and behave.

Dan tries to create digital experiences that feel just as intuitive to explore and enjoy as the most delightful places in the real world, but make the most of the potential of digital technology. He lives just outside Sheffield (UK) with a wife, a child and a cat called Rosa.

For more info, you can follow Dan on on Twitter @danramsden

*Image credit: CanUX & Elida Arrizza

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