CANUXMAS: Dec 18, 2024
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Harmonic’s Shreya Dhawan Will Feature at CanUX 2024

A renowned service designer makes her CanUX debut in 2024.

From Modeling to Managing: A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Customer Journeys
} Nov 1/2, 2024   TBD / 30 MINUTES

Many organizations still struggle to leverage customer journey frameworks, let alone manage them operationally. Delivering sustainable, delightful service experiences requires active journey management, now a key strategy for organizations to stay competitive. Shreya has led several initiatives focusing on developing contextual journey frameworks, tailored to an organization’s strategic needs that propagate for proactive journey management. This approach anticipates the evolving needs of customers to continuously improve service experiences, instead of a one-time intervention.

In this talk, Shreya will share the foundational aspects of journey mapping, crafting robust maps that highlight key moments, and insights into data-driven journey monitoring. She will also reveal the importance of transitioning to proactive journey management to ensure organizations continually evolve their services in the context of their consumer needs and market dynamics.

Speaker Bio: Shreya Dhawan

As a lead service designer at Harmonic Design in Atlana, GA, Shreya has excelled in steering numerous client engagements, cultivating thought leadership, and spearheading internal initiatives. With a decade of experience as a practising design professional, her work is deeply rooted in understanding organizational systems and dynamics to create an environment that thrives on creative problem-solving using service design. A trained service designer, she is a frequent author in Service Design Network’s leading journal, Touchpoint, and a recognized thought leader dedicated to actively building service design communities of practice.

Passionate about advancing the field of service design, Shreya heads Harmonic’s summer internship program and has been a vital member of the core team for Service Design Network’s Atlanta Chapter for many years. She continually pushes the boundaries of innovation, infusing her work with creativity and a profound commitment to positively impacting businesses, consumers, and society.

Follow Shreya on LinkedIn or Twitter / X @shreyadhawan92

*Image credit: Shreya Dhawan and generative AI.







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